Sunday, December 03, 2006

A good intention that turned and bit me in the leg...
My sincere efforts to make my son more altruistic were probably a bit misguided and a wee bit premature. No matter how dismal a picture I paint of the plight of the poor kids with whom we need to share, I fail to evoke even the slightest sympathy. Out comes the atavistic instinct of self preservation and the pure emotion of avarice. Once or twice, I had to face a tantrum when I gave away a packet of chips or biscuits that had been lying in the car for months...

Maybe my approach was wrong... How I went about it was that whenever he clamoured for a toy, I would tell him that he could get it only if he gave away two of his old toys to poor chidren. Now, when he sees a poor kid, he feels that the kid is out to get his stuff - so he is rude to poor people :( Maybe I introduced the concept too soon. I should've perhaps started the idea of sharing at home. Charity, as they say, begins at home etc etc.
So, let's go easy on the philanthropy for the moment and let him blossom with all his primal instincts in place, shall we?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're at the opposite end of the spectrum. When I told my older daughter about the Katrina victims in Louisiana and Mississippi, she piled up her toys in my closet, telling me to send them to kids who were now living in trailers.

I'll let you know if I find a happy medium; you do the same for me, okay?

9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giving up two toys for one toy... I think thats where the fuse blew.

I guess you are right. Trading might be a bit heavy for him. Also, guys can get very posessive about their toys. I sitll am :)

A kid can easily be tought by example. Show him how rewarding it is to see a smile and leave it to the kid to decide if he wants to follow.

2:14 AM  
Blogger Random Impressions said...

Julie, let me say, it's an honour - you actually visited my blog :) I feel like I'm now formally a blogger.
Oh but juju is just 3. He is not yet past his "mine" stage. Let's hope a civilied upbringing can counter this instinct.
Also thanks Sunny for reading.

9:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

A resounding "yes" for avaristic primal instincts. At least you can get away with that when you're two, right? Once he'd four, the emotional blackmail can feature in, and you can train him into altruism much more effectively;-)

Gorgeous cake btw (and gorgeous son of course!)

12:47 PM  

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